Monday, September 23, 2013

The Crusher

If you've got happy
Count on me for heavy,

If you've got the money,
I'll supply the guilt

If you've got good news,
I'll bring the bad

If you've got the sweet,
I'll add the bitter

If you bring the genius,
I'll beat you down with my dumb

I can kill the joy in sunshine, rainbows,
Music, flowers and puppies too

I can find the down in everything,
But only if you listen

Friday, September 13, 2013

Ode to The Corner Bar

At least once a week I am drawn into the same smoke filled crowded cave,
No need to bring anything but your money

Twenty-something’s to seventy-something’s huddle in this space,
Camaraderie is thicker than found in most families; Attorneys, Dishwashers, Accountants, Artists, Carpenters, Techie's, Teachers, Custodians, Managers, Business Owners, Servers, Musicians, Politicians, Machinists, Mechanics, Landscapers and Nurses, all find a way to tolerate each other.

People come to commiserate, celebrate, gossip, blow off steam,
Watch sports, play games, some dance and/or sing along to the music.
Others just sit quietly, reading or glued to a phone.

Drinks and cigarettes ease the pain of the mundane

Hugs and "I love you’s" flow as most nights progress,
Meaningful or not I take comfort in every one.
My drinking pals; loyal, loving, forgiving
And usually lots of fun.