Sweet, caring, kind,
People often use those words to describe me,
I wish I could live up to that image
I do my best to sugar coat my world,
Others strengths and acts of kindness scream out to me,
I point them out as often as I can
Flaws are easily seen by everyone,
I desperately look for good in the midst of confusion,
I seek beauty in tragedy and trash,
I search for silver linings,
I reach for hope in the chirp of a bird
I try to do this every day,
It's not because I'm sweet, kind or naive,
All of us have seen ugliness, selfishness, hopelessness, chaos and despair,
All of us are victims and offenders
My rose colored glasses are the only reason I've survived this long,
They are my bullet proof vest,
Sunbeams and rainbows are my safe room,
Smiles and kind words are my oxygen,
Love, given and received, my blood