Sunday, May 12, 2013


Fireworks are grand but the sparks die away quickly,
Often hearts don't notice them at all.

A true love will defend your shortcomings,
Brag about your good qualities,
Bring out the best in you,
Do their best for you

A real love will trust you enough to argue with you,
Teach you, learn from you, preach to you, accept you,
Share their secrets and their impossible dreams with you

A loyal love will stand by you in perilous times,
Want to be with you, comfort you,
Even when you do wrong,
Even when you're tired, sick, old and ugly

It's a rare love that accomplishes all those things,
The love of my life did just that

* Last line updated 12/30/17


Alison Wild said...

That's beautiful, Karen!

That Karen said...

❤️ you are beautiful too