Friday, September 13, 2013

Ode to The Corner Bar

At least once a week I am drawn into the same smoke filled crowded cave,
No need to bring anything but your money

Twenty-something’s to seventy-something’s huddle in this space,
Camaraderie is thicker than found in most families; Attorneys, Dishwashers, Accountants, Artists, Carpenters, Techie's, Teachers, Custodians, Managers, Business Owners, Servers, Musicians, Politicians, Machinists, Mechanics, Landscapers and Nurses, all find a way to tolerate each other.

People come to commiserate, celebrate, gossip, blow off steam,
Watch sports, play games, some dance and/or sing along to the music.
Others just sit quietly, reading or glued to a phone.

Drinks and cigarettes ease the pain of the mundane

Hugs and "I love you’s" flow as most nights progress,
Meaningful or not I take comfort in every one.
My drinking pals; loyal, loving, forgiving
And usually lots of fun.

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